
Get Your Gear Ready!

So first things first my little campers! We've got to get our supplies together. I've made some modifications because at first I was thinking about making this all summer long. We're totally going to get burnt out if that is the case. Camp will be held only in the month of June. Whew! That makes life easier for ALL of us and will give us something exciting and different to look forward to in July and August.

The greatest thing about a camp for the soul sleeping outside in a tent! Wait, just kidding. Some people like that. The real great thing is that the packing is minimal. Please bring with you the following:

*Scriptures (If you don't have your own go to and we'll get you a free Bible and Book of Mormon!)
* A journal/notebook/whatever you like to write in
* Your favorite pen
* A few stickers
* Double sided sticky tape
* Maybe some crayons
* An open heart <3

Remember to register by leaving a comment and invite your friends to follow along! If you have suggestions or things you'd like some help with send me a message at

3 sweet messages:

michael ann said...

Girl, you totally need a blog button for people to use if they're getting involved. Gotta make this thing viral, it's such a good idea! If you need help with making one I'd love to assist and would proudly display it :) I'm so excited. Also I got your last comment and can't wait to hear what you want me to help out with. I will now end the worlds longest comment :)

Kristen Ellen said...

Let's do this!

Hermana Stacey Gold said...

You are SO creative, Sister McCall! Love it. :) Way to make learning about and living the gospel FUN--that's the way it's intended to be. Buena suerte a todos!!